Marc Williams is an ethnobiologist. He has studied the people, plant, mushroom and microbe interconnection intensively while learning to employ botanicals and other life forms for food, medicine, and beauty in a regenerative manner. His training includes a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Studies concentrating in Sustainable Agriculture with a minor in Business from Warren Wilson College and a Master’s degree in Appalachian Studies concentrating in Sustainable Development with a minor in Geography and Planning from Appalachian State University. He has spent over two decades working at a multitude of restaurants and various farms and has traveled throughout 30 countries in Central/North/South America and Europe as well as all 50 states of the USA. Marc has visited over 200 botanical gardens and research institutions during this process while taking tens of thousands of pictures of representative plants and other entities. He has taught hundreds of classes to thousands of students about the marvelous world of people and their interface with other organisms while working with over 100 organizations and particularly as a Board of Directors member of the United Plant Savers and online at the website Marc's greatest hope is that this effort may help improve our current challenging global ecological situation.
The Program
The mission of the Resilient Earth School is to educate students about the natural world, their place in it and how to move forward through life in a way that enhances the thrival and sustainability of themselves and others.
The Resilient Earth School is a dream long held in my heart focused on doing my part to help humans to better be in community with all life on Earth. Clearly we have made many mistakes on the path of development as a species. These errors cumulatively adding up over time have led to an existential crisis with profound deleterious consequences for all of humanity and many other lifeforms too.
That said hope still springs forth that we may see the fault in our ways. That we may envision and live into better days. i have dedicated my life for decades in the pursuit of that goal while teaching thousands of people about various aspects of the human connection within nature. This school is an evolution of my efforts to focus more attention on a few rather than many. To dive deeply into relationship with a select group of learners who earnestly desire to do their part to stop the destructive fire of empire. People who feel in their core that they must explore how to be the best human they can be. This program is designed for folks ready to devote a significant amount of energy into personal and global transformation. If that is you then this is your invitation.